background of the new vision school

Choti Zereen is a village with a population of about 14 000. It is surrounded by 14 villages with a population of about 15000 to 20 000. All these villages are served by a few primary government schools, only one high school and one degree college for girls.

The government schools are congested and offer a poor standard of education. Two to three classes are conducted in one room because of lack of space and the rate of drop outs is high. There are some private schools but their standard of education is low and their premises are often insufficient to meet the demands of the exploding population. Education in rural areas has been mismanaged by successive governments. Implementation of faulty and haphazard policies has led to an increasing demand for education from the Private sector. However, the private schools function on a commercial basis with the result that their fees are too high and children from low income groups cannot afford their fee structures.

In these conditions, the aim of the New Vision School was to meet the demands of the area and to provide quality education at subsidized cost. The New Vision School is a non profit organization that is providing education to 1020 students and jobs to about 70-80 teachers and non teaching staff.

We strive to create a stimulating learning environment for those children who otherwise may never have a chance at formal learning. Amongst other facilities, a comprehensive computer lab with access to the internet has been made available to make the process of learning exciting and unique with achievement of maximum output. This helps to equip the school with the latest technology and connect it to the world at large.

Copyrights@newvisionschool 2025